Fill job openings quickly and efficiently with iSolved Hire

As business practices continue to evolve in the midst of a pandemic, the online hiring process has become even more critical for employers.

Did you know that more than half of potential employees will start applying for a job online, but then stop the application process and never finish?

Was the applicant frustrated with the online experience? Or did the person opt out to find a better job opportunity?

Employers may never know. Eliminate the concern by adding our iSolved Hire component to your recruiting and hiring iSolved platform. Here’s how IPS can guide you to simplify, expand and improve the hiring process.

With iSolved Hire, employers can:

  • Post to job boards with a single click
  • Improve the applicant experience
  • Attract better candidates
  • Organize the hiring process
  • Reduce the time it takes to hire someone
  • Provide collaboration across hiring teams
  • Decrease the costs per hire

IPS customers are already adopting this module and achieving real results. Contact your representative for more on iSolved Hire today.